Monday, June 28, 2010

Not all organic food is "organic"

Here's a clip about food imported from China... Click on the address for more.
clipped from
Think those "organic" strawberries from China are better for environment? Think again.

The organic label is meant to signify that a food is relatively environmentally friendly: Organic producers are forbidden from using many synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. When that organic food comes from China, that label may not mean much.

"When I see organic food from China, I question," environmental journalist Michael Pollan told PRI's The World, "how organic is it?" Organics are a $26 billion industry in the United States, and an increasing amount of that is coming from China. Pollan points out, "organic is a very big global business now. People don’t realize it."

A Chinese grocery chain owner who spoke with Global Post estimated that "maybe 30 percent of farms that put the organic label on their food produce the real thing."
Consumers should look beyond the label and consider the real environmental cost of their foods.
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