Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fruit Fly Problem?

If you are like me, you eat a lot of fruit and probably have an exposed fruitbowl full of apples and oranges, etc. This time of year, a lot of fruit flies appear to make your life miserable.

I have been battling with fruit flies for the last week or so... they pop up everywhere... drains, fruitbowl, cutting board area... and, since we don't use any poison sprays, getting rid of them was a real problem. Until I did my research, of course, and discovered how to make "fruit fly traps" which have worked so well that you hardly see any of the little bastards around.

How does one make a fruit fly trap? Simple. Start with a good, widemouthed jar (we always have plenty of old Ball jars around which we use for canning) and put in about an inch or two of warm water with a squirt of dishwashing soap. Then add a shot of apple cider and a shot of red wine. Cover the top of the jar with a piece of Saran Wrap and use a rubber band to keep it tightly sealed at the neck of the jar. Now comes the tricky part... you have to punch a few very small holes through the plastic wrap... small enough for the fruit flies to get in but not so large that they can go right out again. I use a nut pick to punch the holes, but a fork could do it, too.

Then all you have to do is put the jar wherever the greatest number of the pests have been spotted. I made four jars and put them in various places in my kitchen. Now all you do is wait. In about an hour or so you will notice a distinct reduction in the bugs. The next day when you check the jars you will find they are full of little drowned fruit flies. Amazing!

I change the liquid and reseal the jars every few days and my fruit-flies are now nowhere to be found (on the first refill day there were much fewer of them caught in the traps, so we are succeeding quite well.)

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