Today I am experimenting with pickling vegetables. I've been gathering spices and shopping for the baby peppers, tiny carrots, pickling cucumbers, cauliflower florets and the rest of my ingredients all week.
Right now I'm getting ready to boil my pickle jars to ward off botulism (isn't that exciting?) following ancient instructions in our very old copy of The Joy Of Cooking.
I saw someone doing similar stuff on the Food Channel, but I am making my own changes. Sugar, for instance. As a diabetic, I want to avoid sugar, so yesterday I made a tea of stevia leaves in water which I will use instead of sugar. Have to be careful, though, as stevia is much sweeter than sugar (about ten times) so I have to use less.
Once everything is done, the jars will go a few weeks and then they should be ready to eat. I haven't gone into most of the details here... blanching vegetables, layering spices, etc.... but maybe I'll get into that later.
Cross posted at
Under The LobsterScope.
Well, the three big Ball Jars in the picture at the start of this post display the results of my pickling expedition. It looks like everything came out OK (the lids lost their air bubbles and sucked down when I boiled the jars at the end of the process). Now they are sitting on the kitchen windowsill where, sometime in August, we'll try one.